You have taken up knitting as a hobby, and you have never been happier. It is an activity that allows you to exercise your creativity and bring some joy and delight to those you love. For each knitting project, you must establish a plan. To make a pair of socks or a funky new hat for your friends or relatives, you must first figure out what you need and then buy it.

If you have some experience with knitting, you would have figured out that shopping for yarn at a general retail store is futile. You are unlikely to find the colors and patterns you need, and you will probably be discouraged by the general state of the yarn section. Such places do not have staff who know how to look after this material. In many instances, yarn bundles are splayed out and thrown together in appallingly untidy ways. This is not only unpleasant to look at; it harms the material condition of the yarn itself.

Your best move when shopping for yarn is to visit a shop that specializes in selling it. An independent yarn store will offer a wide range of yarn in the colors, patterns, and quantity that you need. As you think through what you require for a specific project, a certain logic takes hold. An independent yarn store will be laid out in an easy way for you to follow.

Perhaps most importantly, the independent yarn store you go to will sell yarn made of natural fibers. If you are a conscientious buyer, you may insist that the shop you go to is committed to selling only sustainable products. You are more likely to find that independent yarns stores are the only ones that keep only natural yarns in stock.

Another great thing about independent yarn stores is that you do not have to go to shopping centers to find them. Many of the best and most popular yarn shops selling high-quality yarn are available online. Here are some of the top online yarn vendors:

Lion Brand


Apricot Yarn & Supply

Knitting for Olive

We Are Knitters

Wool and the Gang

Darn Good Yarn


Indeed, all of the shops above offer this kind of service. Using an online vendor offers convenience and low prices. If you live in an area with a limited number of yarn shops and you are not in a position to travel to another town to find one, then you should buy yarn online. Online yarn shops can gain efficiencies in their supply chain, allowing them to lower customers’ prices. Most of them also offer money-back guarantees on the quality of their products.

You need not buy yarn from a brick-and-mortar yarn store. It is possible to buy yarn online and save yourself money and the hassle of traveling a long distance to find a shop.